- ResearcherJohn Theodore Buchholz (1888–1951) was an American botanist, specialising in gymnosperms.
- Selected bibliography
- Polyembryony among Abietineae. Bot. Gaz. 69: 153-167 (1920).
- Embryo development and polyembryony in relation to the phylogeny of conifers. Amer. J. Bot. 7: 125-145 (1920).
- The classification of Coniferales. Trans. Illinois State Acad. Sci. 25: 112–113. (1933).
- The generic segregation of the Sequoias. Amer. J. Bot. 26: 535-538 (1939).
- A comparison of the embryogeny of Picea and Abies. Madroño 6: 156-167 (1942).
- Generic and subgeneric distribution of the Coniferales. Bot. Gaz. 110: 80-91 (1948).
- Additions to the coniferous flora of New Caledonia. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. (Paris) sér.2, 21: 279-286 (1949).
- A flat-leaved pine from Annam, Indo-China. Amer. J. Bot. 38: 245-252 (1951).
American botanist
Presidents of the Botanical Society of America |
1894–1924 | |
1925–1949 | |
1950–1974 | |
1975–1999 | |
2000–present |
- Douglas E. Soltis (1999–2000)
- Patricia G. Gensel (2000–1)
- Judy Jernstedt (2001–2)
- Scott D. Russell (2002–3)
- Linda E. Graham (2003–4)
- Allison A. Snow (2004–5)
- Edward L. Schneider (2005–6)
- Christopher H. Haufler (2006–7)
- Pamela S. Soltis (2007–8)
- Karl J. Niklas (2008–9)
- Kent Holsinger (2009–10)
- Judith Skog (2010–11)
- Stephen G. Weller (2011–12)
- Elizabeth Kellogg (2012–13)
- Pamela Diggle (2013–14)
- Tom Ranker (2014–15)
- Richard Olmstead (2015–16)
- Gordon Uno (2016–17)
- Loren Rieseberg (2017–18)
- Andrea Wolfe (2018–19)
- Linda Watson (2019–20)
- Cynthia S. Jones (2020–21)
Authority control |
General | |
National libraries | |
Scientific databases | |
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