John Michael Holzinger (1853 – 1929) was a German-born American bryologist, expert on the bryoflora of Colorado, and third president of the Sullivant Moss Society.[1]
Holzinger was born on May 14, 1853 in Hachtel, Germany. In 1874, he graduated from Olivet College.[2] Holzinger went on to teach science and botany at Winona State Normal School from 1882 to 1890. In 1890, he left to join the United States Department of Agriculture division of botany.[3] In 1893, he returned to Winona where he remained until 1922.
Holzinger made several noteworthy collections of bryophytes from North America. His Musci Acrocarpi Boreali-Americani exsiccatae was a valuable asset to 20th century bryology.[3][4][5]
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