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Jean-Emmanuel-Marie Le Maout (29 December 1799, Guingamp – 23 June 1877, Paris) was a French naturalist.

Emmanuel Le Maout (1799-1877)
Emmanuel Le Maout (1799-1877)

In 1842, Le Maout qualified as a physician at the University of Paris, where he became a demonstrator of natural sciences in the Faculty of Medicine. Later he gave private lessons in literature and natural history. He was decorated with the Légion d'honneur in 1869.

in 1854, botanist Hugh Algernon Weddell published Maoutia which is a genus of shrubs or small trees in the nettle family (Urticaceae and named in his honour.[1]


The standard author abbreviation Le Maout is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name.[3]


  1. "Maoutia Wedd". Plants of the World Online. Retrieved 30 September 2022.
  2. Le Maout & Decaisne 1873.
  3. International Plant Names Index.  Le Maout.


На других языках

- [en] Emmanuel Le Maout

[ru] Ле Мау, Эммануэль

Жан Эммануэль Морис Ле Мау (фр. Jean Emmanuel Maurice Le Maoût; 1799—1877) — французский ботаник.

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