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Renato Pampanini, born in Valdobbiadene, Italy in 1875 and died in Vittorio Veneto in 1949, was an Italian botanist and mycologist.[1]

Renato Pampanini
Born20 October 1875 
Died19 July 1949  (aged 73)


Pampanini studied at the University of Geneva, then in Lausanne and in Friborg. He presented his thesis at the University of Florence.

In addition to his own scientific research, he carried out numerous botanical expeditions, notably to Cyrenaica and other regions of North Africa, to the Rhodes and the Dodecanese islands. He was also one of the first Italian botanists to address issues of environmental protection.

The Pampanini herbarium, which includes more than 5,000 specimens, is located in the central Italian herbarium of the Museo di Storia Naturale di Firenze.

The standard author abbreviation Pamp. is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name.[2]


  1. Encke, Fritz; Buchheim, Günther; Seybold, Siegmund (1984). Zander Handwörterbuch der Pflanzennamen'. Stuttgart. ISBN 3-8001-5042-5.
  2. IPNI.   Pamp.

На других языках

- [en] Renato Pampanini

[ru] Пампанини, Ренато

Ренато Пампанини (итал. Renato Pampanini, 1875—1949) — итальянский ботаник, миколог и птеридолог.

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