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Otto Karl Berg (15 August 1815 in Stettin 20 November 1866 in Berlin) was a German botanist and pharmacist. The official abbreviation of his name, in botany, is O. Berg.

Otto Karl Berg
Born15 August 1815
Stettin, German Confederation
Died20 November 1866 (1866-11-21) (aged 51)
Berlin, German Confederation
Scientific career
InstitutionsUniversity of Berlin

He was the son of Johann Friedrich and Wilhelmine Friederike Berg. He studied pharmaceutical botany at the University of Berlin and published his first Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Botanik ("Handbook on Pharmaceutical Botany") as he graduated in 1845.[1] In 1848, he married Caroline Albertine Florentine Witthaus, with whom he had six children.[2]

He joined the faculty of Botany and Pharmacology at the University of Berlin in 1849, where he specialized in South American flora. In 1862 he was appointed associate professor, and during his time in that position, he helped to make an independent discipline of pharmacology.


The standard author abbreviation O.Berg is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name.[3]


  1. Proctor, William Jr., ed. (1867). "Special Notice". American Journal of Pharmacy. Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. 39: 190–192. Retrieved 21 March 2017.
  2. "Otto Karl Berg". Database of Scientific Illustrators 1450-1950. Retrieved 21 March 2017.
  3. International Plant Names Index.  O.Berg.

На других языках

[de] Otto Karl Berg

Otto Karl Berg, auch Otto Carl Berg (* 18. August 1815 in Stettin; † 20. November 1866 in Berlin) war ein deutscher Botaniker und Pharmakognost. Sein offizielles botanisches Autorenkürzel lautet „O.Berg“; früher war auch das Kürzel „O.C.Berg“ in Gebrauch.
- [en] Otto Karl Berg

[ru] Берг, Отто Карл

Отто Карл Берг (нем. Otto Karl Berg[1][2][3] или нем. Otto Carl Berg[1][2], 18 августа 1815 — 20 ноября 1866) — немецкий ботаник[2] и фармаколог[2] польского[2] происхождения.

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