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Marcel Locquin, born May 6, 1922, in Lyon, France, died March 18, 2009, was a French mycologist.

Locquin rose to eminence in the field of mycology over several years of work with a number of Nobel Prize winners. He himself has won numerous awards. He has worked as consultant for many international organizations. He has filed many patents in light and electron microscopy.[1]


Locquin was a prolific writer. He authored 60 books. He published well over 350 articles, which dealt mostly on areas like biophysical techniques, biomathematics, cytochemistry, light and electron microscopy, mycology, taxonomy, smells, colors, origin of languages, transdisciplinary methods, computers and artificial intelligence, and sociology.[1]

The standard author abbreviation Locq. is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name.[2]

See also


  1. "Marcel Locquin". Ergonia. Retrieved 7 January 2014.
  2. International Plant Names Index.  Locq.

На других языках

- [en] Marcel Locquin

[ru] Локен, Марсель

Марсе́ль Локе́н (фр. Marcel V. Locquin, 6 мая 1922 — 18 марта 2009[3]) — французский учёный, миколог и биохимик, известный своим вкладом в морфологию грибов и миксомицетов. Занимался также лингвистикой, в этой области он является автором теории протоязыка («архетипического языка»), автор публикаций по информатике и искусственному интеллекту, социологии.

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