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Johannes Scherbius (1 June 1769, Frankfurt am Main – 8 November 1813) was a German physician and botanist.[1]

In 1790 he obtained his doctorate of medicine at Jena, later working as a physician in his hometown of Frankfurt. In Frankfurt, he was associated with the Senckenberg Institute.[2]

With Philipp Gottfried Gaertner and Bernhard Meyer, he was co-author of "Oekonomisch-technische Flora der Wetterau" (Economic-technical flora of Wetterau), a three-volume work that was a source of scientific names for numerous plants.[3]

Published works

The standard author abbreviation Scherb. is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name.[6]


  1. Google Books Bericht über die Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Frankfurt
  2. Biodiversity Heritage Library Taxonomic literature : a selective guide to botanical publications
  3. IPNI List of plants described and co-described by Scherbius
  4. Bibdigital Imagenes
  5. WorldCat Identities Most widely held works by Johannes Scherbius
  6. IPNI.  Scherb.

На других языках

- [en] Johannes Scherbius

[ru] Шербиус, Йоханнес

Йоханнес Шербиус (нем. Johannes Scherbius[1], 1769 — 1813) — немецкий[1] ботаник и миколог[1].

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