- ResearcherJohann Ludwig Christian Koelle (18 March 1763 – 30 July 1797) was a German physician and botanist born in Münchberg.
German physician and botanist
During his career he served as a "Medicinalrath" (medical counselor) and also worked as a county physician in Bayreuth. He was a member of the Regensburgische Botanische Gesellschaft (Botanical Society of Regensburg).[1]
The plant genus Koellia (family Lamiaceae) is named in his honor.[2]
- "Spicilegium observationum de aconito", 1787.
- "Flora des Fürstenthumes Bayreuth", 1798.[3]
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На других языках
- [en] Johann Ludwig Christian Koelle
[ru] Кёлле, Иоганн Людвиг Кристиан
Иоганн Людвиг Кристиан Кёлле (нем. Johann Ludwig Christian Koelle; 1763—1797) — немецкий (прусский) врач и ботаник.
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