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Johann Gottlieb Gleditsch (5 February 1714, in Leipzig – 5 October 1786, in Berlin) was a German physician and botanist known for pioneer investigations of plant sexuality and reproduction.

Johann Gottlieb Gleditsch (1714-1786)
Johann Gottlieb Gleditsch (1714-1786)


He studied medicine and other subjects at the University of Leipzig (1728–35), where one of his instructors was the naturalist Johann Ernst Hebenstreit (1703–1757). From 1742 he gave lectures in physiology, botany and materia medica at the University of Frankfurt, afterwards relocating to Berlin as a professor of botany at the Collegium Medico-chirurgicum and director of the local botanical garden. Beginning in 1770, he gave lectures at the recently established institute of forestry, where he was instrumental in providing a scientific basis for the field of forestry.[1]

In his experiments involving plant movement, he demonstrated the influence that climatic factors had upon plant organs. Also, his view on the role that insects play in pollination of plants was considered to be ahead of its time.[2]

The botanical genus Gleditsia (family Fabaceae) is named in his honor,[3] as is the botanical journal Gleditschia.[4] In Berlin-Schöneberg, a thoroughfare called Gleditschstraße bears his name.

Selected works

The standard author abbreviation Gled. is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name.[6]


  1. ADB: Gleditsch, Johann Gottlieb @ Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie
  2. Deutsche Biographie
  3. Missouri Botanical Garden Gleditsia triacanthos
  4. WorldCat Title Gleditschia
  5. Open Library (publications)
  6. IPNI.  Gled.

На других языках

- [en] Johann Gottlieb Gleditsch

[ru] Гледич, Иоганн Готтлиб

Иоганн Готтлиб Гледич (нем. Johann Gottlieb Gleditsch[2][3][4][5], 5 февраля 1714 — 5 октября 1786) — немецкий[3][5] ботаник[3][4][5], миколог[2], врач, доктор медицинских наук[4], профессор[5] и лесовод[5].

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