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Konrad Hermann Heinrich Christ (12 December 1833, in Basel – 23 November 1933, in Riehen), often known in citations as just "Christ" or "H. Christ", was a Swiss botanist who specialized in pteridology (ferns).

Portrait photograph of Hermann Christ, University of Coimbra
Portrait photograph of Hermann Christ, University of Coimbra

He studied law at the universities of Basel and Berlin, receiving his doctorate at Basel in 1856. From 1869 to 1908 he worked as a lawyer and notary in Basel. In his spare time and during retirement he engaged in botanical pursuits, publishing over 300 works on topics such as plant geography, systematics and history of botany.[1][2]

The fern genus Christella is named in his honour.[3]

The standard author abbreviation Christ is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name.[4]



  1. Christ, Hermann Historischen Lexikon der Schweiz
  2. Christ, Konrad Hermann Heinrich (1833-1933) JSTOR Global Plants
  3. Daniel Dooley Palmer (2003). Hawaiʻi's ferns and fern allies. University of Hawaii Press. p. 85. ISBN 0-8248-2522-5.
  4. International Plant Names Index.  Christ.

На других языках

[de] Hermann Christ

Konrad Hermann Heinrich Christ (* 12. Dezember 1833 in Basel; † 23. November 1933 in Riehen, reformiert, heimatberechtigt in Basel) war ein Schweizer Jurist und Botaniker. Sein botanisches Autorenkürzel lautet „.mw-parser-output .Person{font-variant:small-caps}Christ“.
- [en] Hermann Christ

[ru] Крист, Герман

Конрад Герман Генрих Крист (нем. Konrad Hermann Heinrich Christ[3][4][5] или нем. Hermann Christ[3][4][5][6], 12 декабря 1833 — 23 ноября 1933) — швейцарский ботаник[4][7].

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