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Hamilton Paul Traub (June 18, 1890 – July 14, 1983) was an American botanist. He specialized in the study of Amaryllidaceae.[1] He also did horticultural studies on beans.[2] dr Traub was one of the founding members of the American Amaryllis Society (now the International Bulb Society) in 1933, and for a long time the editor of its annual publication, variously called Year Book, American Amaryllis Society, Herbertia and Plant Life. Amaryllis Year Book.[3]

Systematic treatment of Amaryllidaceae

Subfamilies (4)
  1. Allioideae 4 tribes
  2. Hemerocalloideae 1 tribe: Hemerocalleae
  3. Ixiolirioideae 2 tribes
  4. Amarylloideae (2 infrafamilies: Amarylloidinae 12 tribes, Pancratioidinae 4 tribes)

Selected publications

The standard author abbreviation Traub is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name.[4]


На других языках

- [en] Hamilton Paul Traub

[ru] Троб, Гамильтон Пол

Гамильтон Пол Троб (англ. Hamilton Paul Traub[1], 18 июня 1890 — 14 июля 1983) — американский[1] ботаник и физиолог растений.

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