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Frédéric Albert Constantin Weber (17 May 1830 in Wolfisheim – 27 July 1903 in Paris) was a French botanist, who specialized in Cactaceae.

In 1852 he received his medical doctorate from the University of Strasbourg with the thesis De l'hémorrhagie des méninges cérébrales.[1] In 1864–67 he served as a military physician on a French military expedition in Mexico.

He is the taxonomic author or co-author of many species of cacti. He also described a few species of agave, including Agave tequilana, the tequila agave (1902).[2][3] The genus Weberocereus commemorates his name.[4]

The standard author abbreviation F.A.C.Weber is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name.[5]


  1. De l'hémorrhagie des méninges cérébrales SUDOC
  2. Agave tequilana F.A.C. Weber ITIS Report
  3. IPNI List of taxa described and co-described by Weber.
  4. Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names by Urs Eggli, Leonard E. Newton
  5. IPNI.  F.A.C.Weber.

На других языках

- [en] Frédéric Albert Constantin Weber

[ru] Вебер, Фредерик Альберт Константин

Фредерик Альберт Константин Вебер (фр. Frédéric Albert Constantin Weber[1][2] или фр. Albert Weber[1], 17 мая 1830 — 27 июля 1903) — французский[1][2] ботаник[2], миколог[1] и врач[2].

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