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Ernst Johann Lemmermann (27 May 1867 in Bremen 11 May 1915 in Bremen) was a German botanist who specialized in the field of phycology.

During his career he taught classes (Seminarlehrer) in Bremen, where he also worked as a botanical assistant at the Städtisches Museum für Natur-, Völker- und Handelskunde.[1] In Bremen he was an instructor to biologist Friedrich Hustedt (1886-1968),[2] who named the diatom species- Achnanthes lemmermannii in honor of his former teacher.

Also, the blue-green algae species- Anabaena lemmermannii is named after Lemmermann.[3]

Published works

The standard author abbreviation Lemmerm. is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name.[7]


  1. Archived 2015-05-26 at the Wayback Machine Doctors van Leeuwen, W. Sammlung von Niederlàndisch Ost-Indischen Gallen.
  2. Alfred Wegener Institut Archived 2012-04-30 at the Wayback Machine (Friedrich Hustedt)
  3. Algae Database, Anabaena lemmermannii
  4. Planktonic Coccolithophores of the NW Mediterranean by M. Lluïsa Cros i Miguel
  5. WorldCat Identities (publications)
  6. Google Books Pantostomatineae, Protomastiginae, distomatinae
  7. IPNI.  Lemmerm.

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