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Edward Angus Burt (April 9, 1859 – April 27, 1939) was an American mycologist and an authority on the resupinate (flat on the substrate) fungus family Thelephoraceae.[1][2] He received his M.A. in 1894 and Ph.D. in 1895, both from Harvard University under William G. Farlow and Roland Thaxter.[2] He became Professor of Natural History at Middlebury College in 1895, then both Professor of Botany at the Henry Shaw School of Botany at Washington University and mycologist for the Missouri Botanical Garden in 1913.[2] He also worked on a systematic description of basidiomycetes such as Merulius and fungi from Vermont, Siberia, and Java.[2]

Edward Angus Burt
Born(1859-04-09)April 9, 1859
DiedApril 27, 1939(1939-04-27) (aged 80)

The Septobasidium species S. burtii is named in his honor.[3][4]

The standard author abbreviation Burt is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name.[5]


На других языках

- [en] Edward Angus Burt

[ru] Берт, Эдвард Энгус

Э́двард Э́нгус Берт (англ. Edward Angus Burt; 1859—1939) — американский миколог.

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