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Eduard Ludvik Pospichal (13 June 1838 24 April 1905) was an Austrian botanist of Czech parentage born in Litomyšl in Bohemia (today in the Czech Republic).

Pospichal was a teacher at a secondary school in Trieste. He was the author of Flora des Oesterreichischen Küstenlandes (1897–99), a comprehensive treatise on flora found in regions on and around the northeast Adriatic coast. Also, he was also the author a study of plants found along the banks of the Cidlina and Mrdlina Rivers in Bohemia, titled Flora des Flussgebietes der Cidlina und Mrdlina (1881).

The standard author abbreviation Posp. is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name.[1]


  1. IPNI.  Posp.

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