Carl Emil Hansen Ostenfeld (born Carl Emil Ostenfeld-Hansen) (3 August 1873 – 16 January 1931) was a Danish systematic botanist. He graduated from the University of Copenhagen under professor Eugenius Warming. He was a keeper at the Botanical Museum 1900–1918, when he became professor of botany at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University. In 1923, by the early retirement of Raunkiær's, Ostenfeld became professor of botany at the University of Copenhagen and director of the Copenhagen Botanical Garden, both positions held until his death in 1931.[1] He was a member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters and served on the board of directors of the Carlsberg Foundation.
Danish systematic botanist
For other people named Carl Hansen, see Carl Hansen (disambiguation).
Carl Hansen Ostenfeld
Ostenfeld is known as an explorer of the Danish flora, including marine plankton, as well as the flora of Western Australia.[2]
Ostenfeld participated in the Ingolf expedition (1885-86) to the waters around Iceland and Greenland, and in 1911 in the International Phytogeographic Excursion to the British Isles. The party studied the flora of parts of Ireland, including Killarney, Connemara and The Burren.
In collaboration with O. Rosenberg, he was one of the first to confirm that some plants could form asexual seeds, now called (apomixis). Their experiments repeated those of Gregor Mendel with Hieracium hybrids, showing that Mendel had observed a mixture of sexual recombination and apomixis.[3]
The standard author abbreviationOstenf. is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name.[4]
About a dozen plant species[5] are named after him.
Also some geographical features in Greenland bear names that commemorate him:
C.H. Ostenfeld Land in Northeast Greenland 75°15′N21°32′W
C.H. Ostenfeld Nunatak in Wordie's Glacier, Northeast Greenland 74°17′N22°56′W
C.H. Ostenfeld Glacier in Victoria Fjord, Northwest Greenland
The French Academy of Sciences awarded him the Prix Desmazières for 1917.[6]
Selected scientific works
Ostenfeld, C.H. & Johannes Schmidt (1901) Plankton fra det Røde Hav og Adenbugten. Videnskabelige meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening 1901: 141–182.
Gelert, O. & Ostenfeld, C.H. (1902) Flora Arctica - containing description of the flowering plants and ferns, found in the Arctic regions, with their distribution in these countries, illustrated by numerous figures in the text.
Part 1. Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae and Monocotyledones. Copenhagen, 1902. Full text
Ostenfeld, C.H. (1904) Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Fruchtentwicklung bei der Gattung Hieracium. Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 22:537–541
Ostenfeld CH, Rosenberg O (1906) Experimental and cytological studies in the Hieracia. I. Castration and hybridization experiments with some species of Hieracia. Botanisk Tidsskrift 27:225–248
Ostenfeld, C.H. (1908) On the immigration of Biddulphia sinensis Grev. and its occurrence in the North Sea during 1903-1907 and on its use for the study of the direction and rate of flow of the currents. Meddelelser fra Kommissionen for Danmarks Fiskeri- og Havundersøgelser: Serie Plankton 1 (6): 1-44.
Ostenfeld, C.H. & C.G. Johannes Petersen (1908) On the Ecology and Distribution of the Grass-Wrack (Zostera marina) in Danish Waters. Copenhagen, Centraltrykkeriet, 62 p. Series: The Danish Biological Station vol. 16.
Ostenfeld CH (1910) Further studies on the apogamy and hybridization of the Hieracia. Zeitschrif ind Abst und Vererb 3:241–285
Ostenfeld, C.H. & Ove Paulsen (1910–1911) Marine plankton from the East-Greenland Sea (W. of 6° W. Long, and N. of 73° 30’ N. Lat.): collected by the Danmark Expedition 1906–1908. Meddelelser om Grønland bd. 43 (11).
I: List of diatoms and flagellates / by C.H. Ostenfeld. 1910
II: Protozoa / by C.H. Ostenfeld. 1910
III: Peridiniales / by Ove Paulsen. 1910
IV: General remarks on the microplankton / by C.H. Ostenfeld and Ove Paulsen. 1911
Ostenfeld, C. E. H. (1916) Contributions to West Australian Botany, part I: Introduction, The sea-grasses of West Australia. Dansk Botanisk Arkiv, 2(6): 1-44
Ostenfeld, C. E. H. (1918a) Contributions to West Australian Botany, part II: Stray notes from the tropical West Australia. Dansk Botanisk Arkiv, 2(8): 1-29
Ostenfeld, C. E. H. (1918b) Contributions to West Australian Botany, part II: A revision of the West Australian species of Triglochin, Crassula (Tillaea) and Frankenia. Dansk Botanisk Arkiv, 2(8): 30-55
Ostenfeld, C. E. H. (1921) Contributions to West Australian Botany, part III: Additions and notes to the flora of extra-tropical W. Australia. Biologiske Meddelelser, Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 3(2): 1-144
Ostenfeld, C. H. (1923) Critical Notes on the Taxonomy and Nomenclature of Some Flowering Plants from Northern Greenland (II Thule Expedition 1916–1918). Meddelelser om Grønland, 64
Ostenfeld, C. H. (1923) Flowering Plants and Ferns from Wolstenholme Sound (ca. 76°30' N. Lat.) and Two Plant Lists from Inglefield Gulf and Inglefield Land (77°28' and 79°10' N. Lat.) (II Thule Expedition 1916–1918). Meddelelser om Grønland, 64: 189-206
Ostenfeld, C. H. (1924) The Vegetation of the North-Coast of Greenland. Based upon the late Dr. Th. Wulff's collections and observations (II Thule Expedition 1916–1918). Meddelelser om Grønland, 64: 221-268
Ostenfeld, C.H. (1926) The flora of Greenland and its origin. Biologiske Meddelelser, Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 6, 1-71
Ostenfeld, C.H. (1931) The distribution within Denmark of the higher plants Results of the topographic-botanical investigation. 1: A brief historical survey of the investigation. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter, Naturvidenskabelig og Mathematisk Afd., 9. Række, 3(1)
Nelson, E. Charles & Mary J. P. Scannell, 1978. C.E.H. Ostenfeld's Western Australian plants in the Herbarium, National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin. Glasra 2: 1–24. Archived 2007-11-18 at the Wayback Machine
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