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Bernice Giduz Schubert (October 6, 1913 – August 14, 2000) was an American botanist. Her academic career developed over 53 years as a professor and herbarium curator with Harvard University.

Bernice Giduz Schubert
Born6 October 1913 
Died14 August 2000  (aged 86)
Alma mater
  • Radcliffe College
  • University of Massachusetts Amherst 
  • Guggenheim Fellowship (1949) 

She made many collection trips in Mexico and the United States.

Early life and education

Bernice Giduz Schubert was born in 1913, in Boston, Massachusetts. She earned an undergraduate degree at the Massachusetts College of Agriculture (1935), and graduate degrees at Radcliffe College (M. A. 1937, Ph.D. 1941).[1]


Dr. Schubert began her professional life working at the Gray Herbarium at Harvard. While there, she served as assistant to Merritt Fernald in compiling his Gray's Manual of Botany (1951) and Edible Wild Plants of Eastern North America (1958). She was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1949 to work on African plants in Belgium.

Upon returning to America in 1952, Schubert worked for the United States Department of Agriculture, classifying Central American species of possible medical value. She became associate curator at Arnold Arboretum in 1962, where she was editor of the journal, taught undergraduate and graduate classes, and advised students. She retired from Harvard in 1984.[2]

Selected publications

The standard author abbreviation B.G.Schub. is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name.[3]




  1. Richard A. Howard, "Bernice Giduz Schubert, 1913-2000" Arnoldia 60(2)(2000).
  2. "Bernice Giduz Schubert" Flora of North America 14(3)(2000).
  3. IPNI.  B.G.Schub.
  4. John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (1968). Directory of fellows, 1925-1967.

На других языках

- [en] Bernice Giduz Schubert

[ru] Шуберт, Бернис Гидуз

Бернис Гидуз Шуберт (англ. Bernice Giduz Schubert, 1913—2000) — американский ботаник. Известна своим вкладом в систематику семейств Диоскорейные, Бегониевые и Бобовые.

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